Trial location
General information |
Crop: Spring barley. Previous crop: Sugar beet. |
Trial design: Alpha-design, 1 factor. No. of replicates: 4. No. of rows: 4. |
General treatments
Date | St. | Amount/ha | Kategori | Treatment | N/hectare | P/hectare | K/hectare | Scope |
| | | Seed and sowing | Drill-date, main crop, main crop | | | | Trial only |
4/15/2024 | | 300 kg | fertilizers | NS 27-4 | 81 | | | Both trial and field |
4/15/2024 | | 300 kg | | NPK 14-3-15 m. S Mg B Cu, bl-gødning | 42 | 9 | 45 | Both trial and field |
Registrations marked as "Not executed"
Assessm. time | Assessment |
P01 | JB number, estimated |
P02 | Plant population, score 0-10 |
P03 | blotch, % covered |
Barl.brown rust, % covered |
Powdery mildew, % covered |
Leaf blotch, % covered |
P04 | LODGED PLANTS, score 0-10 | blotch, % covered |
Barl.brown rust, % covered |
Powdery mildew, % covered |
Leaf blotch, % covered |
Ramularia, % covered |
P05 | LODGED PLANTS, score 0-10 |
Agronomic comment, date |
P06 | Parcel yield, kg grain/seeds (uncorrected) |
Loss, hkg/ha |
Purity, % in raw material |
Moisture, % in grain/seeds |
Crude protein, % in dry matter |
Specific weight, kg |